Monday, July 7, 2014


Well, we're in the thick of it now.  All the dreams of having row upon row of berry plants have come true. The baaing of lambs comes through our open windows with the breeze, and we enjoy fresh eggs from our back yard every day.  Along with this, however, weeds threatening to grow out of control, repeating ourselves because we can't talk over the sheep, and cleaning out the chicken coop are also part of our reality!

It's been a couple years now since we embarked on this journey to a farm.  We've confirmed that farming is not for the faint of heart, but we've found satisfaction in our work, even when we're sweat soaked, sunburned and mosquito bitten.  Not everyone would enjoy this life.  Farming has been romanticized, to be sure.  Sunrises and sunsets, worn jeans and cowboy hats, tractors and trucks are indeed an everyday part of farm life.  So too are skinned knuckles, smelly animals, broken equipment, pests and uncooperative weather. And where the idealistic notions meet the challenges of reality, there the real farm is found.

 Welcome to The Talking Berry Farm.

Sunrise at the farm

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